Gold Sponsor- 2019 Tailings and Mine Waste Conference
The Geotech and Gregg Canada teams are very excited to be attending the Tailings and Mine Waste Conference as a GOLD sponsor November 17th to 20th in beautiful Vancouver, BC.
When: November 17th to 20th
Where: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Vancouver, BC
Booth: #16

From our specialized sonic coring techniques for advancing in tailings facilities and cyclone sands, to our amphibious CPT/Drill platform, the Geotech and Gregg Canada teams have the expertise and resources to help your next tailings project succeed!
This year Gregg Canada’s technical advisor renowned Dr. Peter Robertson will be presenting in a short course on the “Static Liquefaction – Comprehensive Overview and Update on State of Practice.” To keep up to date with all Dr. Robertson’s publications click HERE.
After 4 years the Tailings and Mine Waste has returned to Vancouver! In 2015, over 400 delegates attended from over 50 countries around the world, making it one of the world’s largest gatherings of Tailings and Mine Waste experts. Mine waste managers, engineers involved with tailings management and reclamation, regulators and researchers will convene to present ideas, learn of new developments and technologies, make professional contacts and discuss issues related to the impact of mine wastes on the environment. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn from over 140 speakers presenting paper and poster sessions as well as a variety of short courses.
To register please click here: Tailings and Mine Waste 2019